Saturday 26 January 2013

Operation with Decimal

Adding: First you add the ones place together then add your tenths,hundredths,thousandths,etc. If your tenths place is higher than ten it means that it has a whole number.
Example: 1.4 + 2.9
1.0+2.0= 3.0 0.4+0.9= 1.3
3.0 + 1.3= 4.3

Subtracting: First you need to subtract the ones place together then subtract the tenths place together and then add the answers together.
Example: 4.3-3.1
4.0-3.0= 1.0 0.3-0.1=0.2
1.0+0.2= 1.2

Multiply: Multiply normally, ignore the decimals.Then just put the decimals in the answer. In other words, just count up how many numbers are after the decimal point in both numbers you are multiplying, then the answer should have that many numbers after its decimal point.
0.03 x 1.1 
Ignore the decimals= 3 x 11=33
0.03 has 2 decimals places and 1.1 has 1 decimal place so the answer has 3 decimal places: 0.033

Decimals: Use long division and ignore the decimal point.Then put the decimal point in the same spot as the divided.
Example:9.1 divided by 7 
7 )91

Put the decimal point in the answer directly above the decimal point in the divided.

7 )9.1    

1.3 is the final answer 

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